Did I get your attention? I thought so... So why are we so obsessed with having a flat belly and think there are miracle foods that will flatten it for us? It is sort of silly for us to think that foods will give us a flat belly. It is actually the opposite, itis the elimination of certain foods that may help us not to store belly fat, but eating certain foods will not make you wake up one day with a flat belly.
Studies have shown that saturated fats are mostly stored in the omentum of the fat pads of the abdomen that cushion the internal organs. So if we have a diet high in saturated fat we have a tendency to have a higher waist circumference and a larger store of belly fat. Another aspect of our diet that will encourage fat deposition on the belly is alcohol. If you drink a lot of alcohol you will have a tendency to store more fat because the liver trys to metabolism the alcohol first since it is a toxin so everything else you eat or drink with the alcohol is pretty much stored away as fat. The sceond thing that alcohol does is that is causes us to retain more water and fluid in the abdominal region thus bloating us and making our belly look distended. So you may not drink all week and then on the weekends and have 3-5 drinks in a sitting, this can set you back and continue to get you farther away from your goal of a flat belly.
So the moral of the story is that there are no magic foods that will melt away belly fat, it is just a diet low in saturated fat, low in alcohol and of course high in exercise. Everyone has a six pack, you just cannot always see it under the fat. In order to lose the fat, aerobic exercise will be most effective in reducing overall body fat. So you cannot just do sit-ups and crunches and have your six pack appear, you have to do cardio in addition to building those six pack muscles. There is no such thing as spot reducing, it is a overall fat loss in all areas of the body that will assist in the definition of muscle.
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