Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What Happens In Your Body When You Eat Top Ramen

If you've ever wondered what happens when you eat ramen from the store versus something homemade congratulations, that day has come!  Read this article by and watch the video below explaining this interesting story.  The best line from the video?  "Top Ramen is made to survive armageddon, while homemade noodles are made to be eaten."


What Happens In Your Body When You Eat Top Ramen
ramen gatorade mouth to anus

Most of the time, we hear about avoiding processed foods because they’ll make us fat. But a new video of what happens in your body when you eat Top Ramen and Gatorade vs. homemade noodles and drinks gives us a whole new reason to avoid it: We can’t even digest it properly.
TEDxManhattan 2011 Fellow Stefani Bardin‘s video, below, shows what happens in your body when you eat processed foods vs. homemade versions of similar foods, using a tiny “M2A” (that stands for Mouth to Anus, and it’s trademarked, mind you) LED/camera capsule. The project looks at two subjects eating two similar meals: one composed of processed foods (gatorade, ramen, and gummi bears); the other of homemade versions (hibiscus drink, homemade broth with noodles and gummi bears made of juice). What happens to the foods is drastically different; possibly because, as Bardin puts it, Top Ramen is made to survive armageddon, while homemade noodles are made to be eaten.

Warning: It’s best to watch this video after you’ve eaten your breakfast.

See the video.  

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