Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Why running will be your new bestie this holiday season

I'm going to come clean about something.  I don't love running.  Before Operation Boot Camp I hated running.  I do love what running does for me.  Running gets me outside, it lets me explore my neighborhood or the city I'm visiting.  Running makes me stay healthy and it also makes me feel like I've evened the score on the sweets I love.  Something else I really appreciate about running is that it's an activity that people accept you doing alone, often don't want to join you but also acknowledge its importance.
So, no matter how much I will love spending time with my extended family members this holiday season I will pack my running shoes and sports bra.  Because when I need some breathing room I will hit the door and come home reinvigorated and ready for the next round of Taboo and family portraits.

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