Friday, May 14, 2010

Camper P.O.V.

Welcome to our Camper P.O.V. series. We'll be following a camper's journey through one of our many locations. Check back weekly for updates on their goals, successes and challenges. This month we visit with Katie Drew Clay who has entered into her own "Motivational May."

Halfway there!
We’ve just wrapped up week #2 of “Motivational May” at Chastain Park, and I have to say my own motivation has hit some ups and down this week. Aside from missing two workouts (one from inclement weather and one from a little lack of motivation), I have mixed feelings about my second week in the program.
It was an interesting week in terms of workouts – which only contributed to the ups and downs I had throughout the week. We were rained out on Monday, and I have to admit, I was kind of relieved. There’s nothing like waking up early only to find out you have another couple hours sleep. But for what I gained in sleep, I lost in motivation and overall wellness. Not working out Monday morning really threw off my entire day. Without the usual workout to jump start my morning, I ate poorly throughout the day and had little motivation to do anything else productive. It was as if I’d lost my oomph.
Luckily, I gained it all back on Wednesday. For some reason, during our morning workout, I felt powerful and fit for the first time since I’d started the program. I finally saw the beginning of these results we’ve been promised, and I loved it! Don’t get me wrong, the workout was tough and I didn’t just blaze through it, but I was able to complete the exercises with greater ease and push myself further than I had been. That’s a great feeling to have mid-week.
But in true ebb and flow nature, I’d lost my zeal again by Friday – letting myself skip a workout. I’m not thrilled I let myself sleep in and skip out on my morning exercise, but I just flat out could not get out of bed. Looking back on the week, I think the reason I’d given up by that Friday had a lot to do with my eating habits from the previous days.
I struggled this week with sticking to the meal plan. I’m the type who is big on fresh starts, and if something gets in the way of that, then my mentality is just to let it all go and start over later. So having a lazy, unproductive day on Monday just set me up for a week or poor food choices. I’d justify my choices with the intense workouts I’d been completing or telling myself that I’d start fresh next Monday. I know it’s the exact opposite mentality to have when trying to create a healthy lifestyle -- because let’s be honest, we’re all going to cheat at one point or another. Whether it be the office cookie cake or chips and cheese dip on Cinco de Mayo – no one’s perfect.
My new goal is to refocus meal by meal or even day by day versus week by week. This week was a “throw away” week for me because I did poorly on Monday, but I need to readjust my thinking to letting go of what I did in the past and keep moving forward. I’m not going to beat myself up for having a cookie, and then throw away the rest of the day on fast food and ice cream because I messed up earlier. I’m letting that initial cookie hurt me much more by letting it snowball into a whole day of junk. No more! I’m confident I can refocus my thinking – it just takes time.
Goals for next week include sticking to the meal plan, and allowing myself to start over each day (or each meal even). Wish me luck!

Katie Drew is a camper at our Chastain Park location. She hails from Macon, Georgia and loves celebrity gossip.

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