Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Make Running a Family Tradition

Whether you're participating in the challenge or bringing the cheers and high-pitched screeches to the scene, everyone's a part of the journey.
I never in my life thought that I would be immersed into a world of running, endless supplies of GU packets and aquaphor. However, I have found myself locked in and ready to go, but not for the reasons you may obviously think.
See, I'm not a runner, nor have I ever been. The whole 'Runners World', which everyone always talked about, sounded so foreign to me. I was only able to understand it once I was thrown into the scene at a speed which felt like my boyfriend's seven minute per mile pace. I now refer to my mother, brother and boyfriend as the "Awesome Threesome".
They've formed this nomadic trio in which they venture over many different states to run half marathons and marathons. They've become this team, each running at their own pace, but all with the same gratifying end result. I guess you could say that I've become familiar with this whole running lifestyle, in the sense that I know what to expect at each race and could navigate any expo on my own. I've become a cheerleader, the support on the sidelines and the big smile, with a raspy voice, at the finish line.  Keep reading and be inspired to get your family active this Thanksgiving!  

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