Friday, March 25, 2011

Weekend Challenge

Get out and get it done!  

10 pushups
10 situps
10 tri cep dips
30 sec plank
10 spider pushups pictured on right
10 butterfly crunches
 Repeat 3 or 5 times

Nutrition Weekend Challenge:

1) Try to incorporate at least one fruit or veggie with every meal
2) Make a conscious effort to choose a wide variety of fruits and veggies
3) Take at least two fruits or veggies or a combination of the two to work
with you every day for one week

Remember a serving of fruits and/or veggies is 1/2 cup which is about the
size of tennis ball.  You can do that, no problem!
Also remember that fruits and veggies are a great source of water and
nutrients that we need to improve our bodies systems especially our aerobic
and anaerobic systems which affect our exercise performance!  You don't even
know what you are missing!

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