Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Supplements - to take or not to take

Time and time again people asking me what supplements that should be taking and if they really work.  Well,  here is my hopefully brief answer.  Most supplements have not been tested to the extent they should be (ie. clinical trials) and there is no regulation of the substances and the manufacturers can make any claim as long it does not claim to prevent, cure or treat a disease.  So my first question is do you really want to put something in your body that you have no idea what it is going to do to you? 

The other issue we face with supplements is that we over sensitize our bodies to nutrients.  When you become isulin resistant your cells become resistant to insulin and thus cause an elevated blood glucose that eventually causes greater fat storage.  The chronic intake of sugar causes insulin senstivity.  So I ask you if our bodies' cells can become resistant to insulin could they not also become resistant to over doses of vitamins and minerals? 

So you decide, the choice is yours!

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